7 Dec 2010

Vanilla-Almond Cookies from Linda Fischer

This cookis are absolute MUST !!! Classic wonder

This were my first cookes, which i ever did! Thanks Anne for insparation and her mam for the recipe.

Later i found quite the same recipe here (for my russian friends) http://mama-fenix.livejournal.com/149150.html
It's a bit different, so i share here what we cooked with Anne Bendig.

250g Butter
200g Almond Flour
375g Flour
175g Sugar
1 ts Solt
2 Vanilla sticks
some puder sugar (for top)

Soft butter mix with the sugar, add solt and vanilla. Then add flour and almond flour. Mix everuthing very good! Form a ball and put in a cold place for at least an hour. Then form halfmoons (germ: kipferl, rus: рожки, полумесяцы). The dough (=Teig) should not be worked to much after cooling it. If it gets to warm and soft again, the cookies will not taste so good, they have to be handled cold and fast when you form them. Then bake them for 15 min in 180c oven. When ready put a lot of sugar puder on top.

Bon appetit!

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